Table S1 for Cucumis sativus Species
The table shows the EXPs of Cucumis sativus species. You can filter by EXP Id.
Order Species Name EXP Id Genom DB Id Chromosome Start Position End Position Protein Length PI Molecular Weight Instability Index Stable or Unstable Ncbi Id
1 Cucumis sativus CsEXPA-01 CsGy1G002410.1 Chr1  1499443 1500347 252 8.57 26651.99 32.18 Stable KGN63678.1
2 Cucumis sativus CsEXPA-02 CsGy1G005460.1 Chr1  3597132 3598291 246 9 26071.51 34.91 Stable XP_004137414.1
3 Cucumis sativus CsEXPA-03 CsGy1G022650.1 Chr1  2.161925E+07 2.16212E+07 259 9.55 27784.74 32.76 Stable KGN65728.1
4 Cucumis sativus CsEXPA-04 CsGy2G008490.1 Chr2  7562051 7564281 244 9.17 26272.84 36.4 Stable XP_004138914.1
5 Cucumis sativus CsEXPA-05 CsGy2G016740.1 Chr2  2.705702E+07 2.70594E+07 258 9.37 28185.95 21.13 Stable NP_001267591.1
6 Cucumis sativus CsEXPA-06 CsGy3G003370.1 Chr3  2705692 2706619 264 9.54 28936.12 30.62 Stable XP_004147965.2
7 Cucumis sativus CsEXPA-07 CsGy3G006240.1 Chr3 5274336 5277140 254 9.47 28341.28 41.38 Unstable XP_004133706.1
8 Cucumis sativus CsEXPA-08 CsGy4G008340.1 Chr4  6331303 6332377 258 8.08 28802.95 22.52 Stable KGN53632.1
9 Cucumis sativus CsEXPA-09 CsGy4G014170.1 Chr4  1.905965E+07 1.906111E+07 259 9.55 28120.93 32.37 Stable KGN54256.1
10 Cucumis sativus CsEXPA-10 CsGy5G003310.1 Chr5  2168846 2170588 260 9.37 28467.56 36.88 Stable XP_004144001.1
11 Cucumis sativus CsEXPA-11 CsGy5G007060.1 Chr5  4850395 4852829 259 9.5 28102.99 44.98 Unstable XP_004147685.1
12 Cucumis sativus CsEXPA-12 CsGy5G013540.1 Chr5  1.757106E+07 1.758109E+07 268 8.09 28970.73 41.87 Unstable XP_004148906.1
13 Cucumis sativus CsEXPA-13 CsGy5G017510.1 Chr5  2.378974E+07 2.379104E+07 263 9.2 28601.52 35.92 Stable KGN51323.1
14 Cucumis sativus CsEXPA-14 CsGy5G023420.1 Chr5 2.842871E+07 2.843061E+07 248 9.1 26286.34 37.64 Stable XP_004135171.1
15 Cucumis sativus CsEXPA-15 CsGy5G028430.1 Chr5  3.208874E+07 3.209004E+07 190 7.54 20121.62 33.27 Stable XP_004141444.1
16 Cucumis sativus CsEXPA-16 CsGy6G002200.1 Chr6  1582617 1584097 245 6.86 26191.31 29.37 Stable XP_004138396.1
17 Cucumis sativus CsEXPA-17 CsGy6G011740.1 Chr6  1.025431E+07 1.025555E+07 268 8.67 30089.09 43.42 Unstable XP_004145809.1
18 Cucumis sativus CsEXPA-18 CsGy6G014250.1 Chr6 1.258686E+07 1.258792E+07 258 9.65 28017.94 40.52 Stable XP_004143121.1
19 Cucumis sativus CsEXPA-19 CsGy6G024340.1 Chr6  2.420924E+07 2.421058E+07 280 9.54 31038.5 29.79 Stable XP_004143366.1
20 Cucumis sativus CsEXPA-20 CsGy7G001980.1 Chr7  1661650 1662970 252 6.42 27910.58 34.36 Stable XP_004153758.1
21 Cucumis sativus CsEXPB-01 CsGy3G007410.1 Chr3  6431381 6433306 273 5.14 28659.02 45.75 Unstable XP_004133769.1
22 Cucumis sativus CsEXPB-02 CsGy6G010650.1 Chr6 9137092 9138732 269 8.36 29398.48 30.69 Stable XP_004139938.1
23 Cucumis sativus CsEXPB-03 CsGy7G004140.1 Chr7  3091715 3094911 269 9.19 29400.58 26.29 Stable XP_004136819.1
24 Cucumis sativus CsEXLA-01 CsGy1G030680.1 Chr1  2.912774E+07 2.912939E+07 265 9.09 29945.79 33.38 Stable XP_011660185.2
25 Cucumis sativus CsEXLA-02 CsGy7G001290.1 Chr7  1265185 1267246 266 7.39 29982.06 36.48 Stable XP_004144876.1
26 Cucumis sativus CsEXLA-03 CsGy7G001300.1 Chr7  1270227 1271598 263 8.57 29335.43 32.82 Stable XP_004144877.1
27 Cucumis sativus CsEXLA-04 CsGy7G001310.1 Chr7  1274986 1276374 257 8.88 28836.06 31.4 Stable XP_004144933.1
28 Cucumis sativus CsEXLA-05 CsGy7G001320.1 Chr7  1279085 1280888 264 8.27 29262.4 35.17 Stable XP_004144934.3
29 Cucumis sativus CsEXLA-06 CsGy7G001330.1 Chr7  1283322 1284684 213 8.59 23733.16 24.2 Stable XP_004153088.1
30 Cucumis sativus CsEXLA-07 CsGy7G001340.1 Chr7  1287754 1289045 262 8.25 29145.23 36.26 Stable XP_031744987.1
31 Cucumis sativus CsEXLA-08 CsGy7G001350.1 Chr7  1292949 1294910 266 794 29802.19 33.76 Stable XP_004153444.1
32 Cucumis sativus CsEXLB-01 CsGy3G044780.1 Chr3  4.148502E+07 4.148708E+07 254 6.92 28387.19 27.78 Stable XP_004148383.1
Table S1 Count: 32

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