Table S1 for Nicotiana tomentosiformis Species
The table shows the EXPs of Nicotiana tomentosiformis species. You can filter by EXP Id.
Order Species Name EXP Id Genom DB Id Chromosome Start Position End Position Protein Length PI Molecular Weight Instability Index Stable or Unstable Ncbi Id
1 Nicotiana tomentosiformis NtmEXPA-01 XP_009609692.2 scaffold 189 1493 208 8.77 22908.11 25.02 Stable XP_009609692.2
2 Nicotiana tomentosiformis NtmEXPA-02 XP_009629442.1 scaffold 336 10096 249 9.17 26600.82 30.79 Stable XP_009629442.1
3 Nicotiana tomentosiformis NtmEXPA-03 XP_009625406.1 scaffold 927 4007 248 8.55 26440.83 31.46 Stable XP_009625406.1
4 Nicotiana tomentosiformis NtmEXPA-04 XP_009594696.1 scaffold 4602 7153 257 9.07 27544.18 27.86 Stable XP_009594696.1
5 Nicotiana tomentosiformis NtmEXPA-05 XP_009589509.1 scaffold 5292 7683 240 9.5 26168.55 37.18 Stable XP_009589509.1
6 Nicotiana tomentosiformis NtmEXPA-06 XP_009619444.1 scaffold 9227 11100 257 9.58 27804.62 34.17 Stable XP_009619444.1
7 Nicotiana tomentosiformis NtmEXPA-07 XP_009615126.1 scaffold 10195 11991 264 9.36 29230.63 25.51 Stable XP_009615126.1
8 Nicotiana tomentosiformis NtmEXPA-08 XP_009591327.1 scaffold 10378 15799 259 8.72 28334.16 31.04 Stable XP_009591327.1
9 Nicotiana tomentosiformis NtmEXPA-09 XP_009607404.1 scaffold 10670 13334 263 8.9 28550.12 33.91 Stable XP_009607404.1
10 Nicotiana tomentosiformis NtmEXPA-10 XP_009593802.3 scaffold 19496 21983 249 9.22 26587.92 30.23 Stable XP_009593802.3
11 Nicotiana tomentosiformis NtmEXPA-11 XP_009631918.1 scaffold 19648 26018 265 9.19 28313.79 27.6 Stable XP_009631918.1
12 Nicotiana tomentosiformis NtmEXPA-12 XP_009614162.1 scaffold 22467 25732 266 8.96 29174 19.92 Stable XP_009614162.1
13 Nicotiana tomentosiformis NtmEXPA-13 XP_009597793.1 scaffold 23037 25219 260 9.48 28345.34 33.86 Stable XP_009597793.1
14 Nicotiana tomentosiformis NtmEXPA-14 XP_009594513.1 scaffold 23927 26723 253 8.62 27082.24 29.17 Stable XP_009594513.1
15 Nicotiana tomentosiformis NtmEXPA-15 XP_009587747.1 scaffold 25925 29778 259 9.4 27964.2 17.7 Stable XP_009587747.1
16 Nicotiana tomentosiformis NtmEXPA-16 XP_009612177.1 scaffold 28886 33828 266 8.09 28919.72 38.45 Stable XP_009612177.1
17 Nicotiana tomentosiformis NtmEXPA-17 XP_009613959.1 scaffold 29349 32865 260 9.5 28521.79 34.24 Stable XP_009613959.1
18 Nicotiana tomentosiformis NtmEXPA-18 XP_009601949.1 scaffold 38003 41306 256 9.05 27687.18 25.11 Stable XP_009601949.1
19 Nicotiana tomentosiformis NtmEXPA-19 XP_009626498.1 scaffold 41387 43214 264 9.36 29274.68 25.08 Stable XP_009626498.1
20 Nicotiana tomentosiformis NtmEXPA-20 XP_033515735.1 scaffold 42754 44396 114 9.75 13067.04 40.17 Unstable XP_033515735.1
21 Nicotiana tomentosiformis NtmEXPA-21 XP_009618705.1 scaffold 59844 63068 248 6.56 26596.92 28.84 Stable XP_009618705.1
22 Nicotiana tomentosiformis NtmEXPA-22 XP_009607348.1 scaffold 63430 68740 293 9.27 32031.72 22.37 Stable XP_009607348.1
23 Nicotiana tomentosiformis NtmEXPA-23 XP_009619445.1 scaffold 74814 80381 296 9.81 32432.04 42 Unstable XP_009619445.1
24 Nicotiana tomentosiformis NtmEXPA-24 XP_009619446.1 scaffold 74814 80381 257 9.53 27916.67 36.18 Stable XP_009619446.1
25 Nicotiana tomentosiformis NtmEXPA-25 XP_009610453.1 scaffold 92272 95454 257 9.23 27935.75 19.09 Stable XP_009610453.1
26 Nicotiana tomentosiformis NtmEXPA-26 XP_009595572.1 scaffold 109333 112466 254 9.88 28613.86 52.07 Unstable XP_009595572.1
27 Nicotiana tomentosiformis NtmEXPA-27 XP_009622932.1 scaffold 191221 19374 254 7.54 27383.42 33.56 Stable XP_009622932.1
28 Nicotiana tomentosiformis NtmEXPB-01 XP_009624764.1 scaffold 710 7082 269 9.74 29206.56 35.25 Stable XP_009624764.1
29 Nicotiana tomentosiformis NtmEXPB-02 XP_009593948.2 scaffold 8005 10406 308 7.13 32672.92 34.96 Stable XP_009593948.2
30 Nicotiana tomentosiformis NtmEXPB-03 XP_018625696.2 scaffold 23060 35285 299 4.72 32683.42 38.91 Stable XP_018625696.2
31 Nicotiana tomentosiformis NtmEXPB-04 XP_033509441.1 scaffold 36677 40313 261 9.69 28446.49 30.77 Stable XP_033509441.1
32 Nicotiana tomentosiformis NtmEXPB-05 XP_009613842.1 scaffold 77624 80791 273 4.63 29296.32 40.49 Unstable XP_009613842.1
33 Nicotiana tomentosiformis NtmEXPB-06 XP_009591234.1 scaffold 95986 101076 268 8.51 29022.01 38.29 Stable XP_009591234.1
34 Nicotiana tomentosiformis NtmEXLA-01 XP_009594036.1 scaffold 25581 30395 263 8.84 28616.52 39.47 Stable XP_009594036.1
35 Nicotiana tomentosiformis NtmEXLA-02 XP_009606813.1 scaffold 61826 64548 266 8.62 28980.08 38.05 Stable XP_009606813.1
36 Nicotiana tomentosiformis NtmEXLB-01 XP_009626892.1 scaffold 9136 12602 248 7.97 27098.02 21.17 Stable XP_009626892.1
37 Nicotiana tomentosiformis NtmEXLB-02 XP_009596665.1 scaffold 36111 38326 255 4.96 27751.16 33.11 Stable XP_009596665.1
38 Nicotiana tomentosiformis NtmEXLB-03 XP_009608881.1 scaffold 41559 45009 254 5.96 28385.4 18.41 Stable XP_009608881.1
39 Nicotiana tomentosiformis NtmEXLB-04 XP_009628233.1 scaffold 75333 79079 271 4.91 29859.74 30.8 Stable XP_009628233.1
Table S1 Count: 39

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Gene Structure Chromosomal Location Conserved Motif
Image Count: 1